Meeting this Saturday (2-1-2020) will be at the EOC HEADQUARTERS at the Pettis County Sheriff’s office in the basement. Located at 4th & Lamine in Sedalia (ne of courthouse). Meeting begins at 8:30.
SPARK Meeting January 4th, 2020
SPARK Meeting January 4th, 2020
January Net Control Operators
5th Richard (KE0QYA)
12th John (N0XG)
19th Paul (KDOETL)
26th Bret (W0VK)
Weather Net
Thanks to the following stations who checked into the weather net on 12/4/19. K0TV, W3MEB, W0VK, KYOP, KE0SJG, KDOETL, N0EE, and KD0WXT. Thanks from your net control operator KE0QYA.