Our October meeting will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church located at 3700 West Broadway in Sedalia on the 9th (please note date) beginning at 8:30am at the shelter house. Sparkfest will be the main topic at the meeting. The response from vendors, clubs, and individuals has been overwhelming. We need as many members as possible to attend what will be our most important meeting of the year. Also on the agenda will be the SET exercise and the 1st round of nominations for club officers for the 2022 year. Hope to see everyone there.
Donate or Pay Dues Online!
Updated “Sparkfest” flyer
Bob Carrender (KE0CYR)
[pdf-embedder url=”https://wa0sdo.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/file.pdf”]
September Net Control Operators
September Net Control Operators
12th Don (KF0ARQ)
19th Richard (KE0QYA)
26th Steve (WA0WUY)
Special thanks to Paul (KD0ETL) who was the net control for the September 5th net.