The next meeting of SPARK will be August 6th at the EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am. We will have several items to discuss including Sparkfest 2022. Sparkfest is is going to be here in just a couple of months. It’s indeed going to be bigger and better than before. Who knows, we might even discuss Sparkfest 2023🤔🤔🤔. Also on the adjenda will be updates on the Ecom trailer, reschedule our POTA, and the perhaps a report from the Christmas Parade committee.
After the meeting we will conduct a testing session for local hams in our area. If anyone would like to test please pre-register by email to Bret (W0VK) at hota2@hotmail.com. We are excited about the opportunity for those who are testing for a new license or a upgrade.
This will be a exciting day for ham radio. We look forward to seeing everyone there.