Today we held a POTA event at Bothwell State Park. In the short time we operated our station “wa0sdo” we made 29 total contacts. Conditions were perfect as we made contacts from both coasts, Canada, and Mexico. Special thanks to Scott (kj4mfw) who organized our 1st ever club POTA event. We plan on doing a few more before the weather gets too cold to do so.

August Meeting

The next meeting of SPARK will be August 6th at the EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am. We will have several items to discuss including Sparkfest 2022. Sparkfest is is going to be here in just a couple of months. It’s indeed going to be bigger and better than before. Who knows, we might even discuss Sparkfest 2023🤔🤔🤔. Also on the adjenda will be updates on the Ecom trailer, reschedule our POTA, and the perhaps a report from the Christmas Parade committee.

After the meeting we will conduct a testing session for local hams in our area. If anyone would like to test please pre-register by email to Bret (W0VK) at We are excited about the opportunity for those who are testing for a new license or a upgrade.

This will be a exciting day for ham radio. We look forward to seeing everyone there.


Our POTA event scheduled for this Saturday is postponed due to the excessive heat. We will reschedule it for a later date.

SPARK Tablecloth

The tablecloth made it’s debut at the WAARCI Hamfest this weekend. We received many compliments about it. Was also a successful outing for the club. We signed up 4 more additional vendors for SPARKFEST.

July Meeting Re-Cap

WOW. With 41 in attendance for the meeting we set a record. What a great group of members we have. We discussed several things at the meeting. We had several good ideas brought up by our members regarding upcoming training opportunities for future meetings. The ECOM Trailer is going to be gone through to make sure that all the wiring is grounded and in good shape. For the 1st time in club history all of our 2m Sunday Night Nets will be run by our clubs YL’s, thank you ladies. We had a report on this years Field Day, many thanks go out to the committee and members who participated. We will be operatering a POTA event at Bothwell State Park on July 23rd beginning at 10am, all members are encouraged to attend. We will put our ECOM TRAILER in this years Christmas parade and a committee will be working on ideas to decorate the trailer for it. SPARKFEST is growing leaps and bounds. We have already sold the same amount of tables as we did last year. We have acquired 30 more tables that we can sell to vendors thanks to Brad (kf0gsx) and Duke Manufacturing. We will be looking at moving SPARKFEST to the fairgrounds next year. We will have a information table at Warrensburg’s Hamfest on June 16th promoting SPARKFEST.

Lots of exciting things are happening in SPARK. We are blessed to have such a strong group of members who exemplify what Ham Radio is all about. Our next scheduled meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio on August 6th beginning at 8:30am. Look forward to seeing everyone there. 73’s