SPARK as charity on Amazon


I did it. Daren did it. Don did it. 
You should do it too! 
Free money for our club! Read on...

I successfully switched my charity on Amazon today to SPARK.
This means that every purchase I make on Amazon donates .5% of my purchase prices to the club. Doesn’t sound like much but when enough people do it, it could be significant. Get your family, friends and everyone at work to do it and the club could get a couple hundred dollars a year of free money with almost no effort!

Instead of shopping at, log in to Once you set your charity to Sedalia Pettis Amateur Radio Klub,  all purchases that you make donate directly to SPARK. Takes all of 30 seconds to set up.

The smile website is identical to the www one, including prices.


"Dear AmazonSmile customer,

Thanks for visiting AmazonSmile! 
Per your request, we have successfully changed the 
AmazonSmile charity you are supporting to Sedalia 
Pettis Amateur Radio Klub.

Remember, if you want AmazonSmile to donate to 
Sedalia Pettis Amateur Radio Klub, you need to 
start each shopping session at the URL or with AmazonSmile turned ON 
in the Amazon Shopping app, and we will donate 
0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.

Visit Your AmazonSmile Impact to see donation 
information and learn more about your charity.

AmazonSmile: You shop. Amazon gives."


5 Replies to “SPARK as charity on Amazon”

      1. The process is pretty much described fully in the website post.
        Be sure you are spelling amateur correctly (it’s not amature), or even better, just shorten the search and make it “Sedalia Pettis” and leave the rest off.

          1. Be sure to always place your orders at, otherwise the club won’t receive anything. If you mess up, they will usually pop up something asking you to switch to smile.

            Good job and thanks!

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