Thank You


At our meeting on November 7th I mentioned what our family was doing in memory of my grandson Ryker. After the meeting many of you made a donation and received a bracelet. With the donations I collected that morning I just wanted to let everyone know that we were able as a club to purchase 1 headstone in Ryker’s memory. Thank you fellow SPARK members for your generosity and support.  Richard KE0QYA

Nano VNA

Several people at the club meeting Saturday asked me about the $55 antenna analyzer (Vector Network Analyzer) I mentioned. Here are the details for all interested.

Go to and search for Nano VNA.

Chris – KC0TKS

November Meeting

November meeting will be held on the 7th at the Missouri State Fairgrounds beginning at 8:30 am. We will meet in the grassy area off of gate 3 (16th Street) so everyone will need to bring their own chair. There will be no testing. Following the meeting everyone is encouraged to bring their field ham radios and antennas so we can run our Special Event Station following the meeting. Look forward to seeing everyone there.