POTA Activation

Spark POTA activation at Knob Noster State Park. We have 3 stations running and are making many contacts. Special thanks to Joel (KE0WJX) for running the event. Everyone is having a great time visiting and making contacts.

Puzzle Solution Page Added to Website

The solution to this month’s SPARKword puzzle has been posted to the website. Hover over “menu” then click “Puzzle solutions”

Future solutions will be posted to that page about a week after the puzzle comes out in the newsletter.

Also, Connie is offering a pan of brownies to the first person each month (starting next month) that emails a screenshot, photo or other proof that you completed the puzzle correctly to admin@wa0sdo.org !!!!!

Parks On The Air

Join SPARK on Saturday July 15th at Knob Noster State Park for Parks On The Air. We will be setting up at 9am and activate the park. Joel (KE0WJX) will be in charge of the event. If you would like to bring your portable station and set up that would be great as well. We will be operatering under our club call sign of Wa0sdo. If you would like to bring refreshments for afterwards that would be awesome.

Directions to the park are:
50 Hiway to 23 Highway
South on 23 Highway to the park entrance
Turn west at the entrance and follow to the end
You have arrived for some fun and fellowship

We look forward to seeing you there

July Net Control Operators

July Net Control Operators
2nd Richard ke0qya
9th Joel ke0wjx
16th John ki7cmv
23rd Paul kd0etl
30th Russ k6hu

August 6th
Richard ke0qya

Our August meeting has been moved to the 12th so our members can attend the Warrensburg Hamfest.

EMA planning on conducting a siren test this Wednesday July 5th at noon. Following the test at approximately 12:10 pm we will have a Weather Net Exercise. Forecast is calling for rain, so stay tuned test might be canceled.

Just worked the original 13 colonies. Now going for the 3 extra stations. At least will get a certificate for the 13. Happy hunting everyone. KE0QYA