April 10, 2022 Sunday night SPARK net

The club is beginning to use the Net Control Manager for logging our nets.

You can find Net Control Manager by clicking HERE

You can follow net activity, see check ins, and get some cool post-net statistics.  This is a map of tonights check ins for example.

The reports you will find on net-manager are available for viewing immediately following the net.  You can check the statistics at your own convenience.


APRIL Meeting Re-Cap

April 2nd Meeting Re-Cap

Fantastic meeting today with 40 members in attendance. Great group of members who are dedicated to promoting and making ham radio fun in Sedalia/Pettis County.

Other than the usual business, we discussed running a Special Event station for the Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival June 2-4. We set up the Ecom Trailer and even though the bands were horrible we made some contacts for the Missouri QSO Party. We reminded everyone about Field Day June 25-26th. Then we discussed Sparkfest 2022. We should have it listed on the ARRL ‘s website sometime next week. We have sent out emails and have contacted some vendors this past week. We already have 27 confirmed for Sparkfest in October. This is more than 1/2 of the tables we sold at last year’s event.

After the meeting we conducted a VE test session. We had 2 to test for Technician and 2 who tested for upgrades. Congratulations to Ronald H. who passed his Technician test, and to Bart (KE0ZTG) who passed and now is a Extra.

Darren (KD0OPS) started a General class today after the meeting with 7 that are studying to upgrade.

We have more exciting things that we are working on to make this year better than before. We are blessed to have such a strong group of members who are dedicated to promoting the hobby that we all enjoy. Our next meeting will be on May 7th at EMA Headquarters.