President – Bret Kuhns W0VK
Vice President – Richard Camirand KE0QYA
Secretary – Harry Burford K0TV
Treasurer – John Cline N0XG

Our elected officers ran unopposed.

The previous Club Officers were thanked for their service and devotion to the club.  Paul Withers – KD0ETL ; Brooks Baker – KA0JWA;  Lana Langford – KD0IZG.

The club would not be where it’s at without all the support of the members and the work of the officers.  As we look forward to 2020 please help us grow and expand our base and community involvement by participation.  This can be as big as owning and leading a project for the club or just being that Operator that doesn’t let a call on the repeater go unanswered.   Lets make it a great year and “Make Amateur Radio Great Again!”


Weather Net

Thanks to the following stations who checked into the weather net on 12/4/19. K0TV, W3MEB, W0VK, KYOP, KE0SJG, KDOETL, N0EE, and KD0WXT. Thanks from your net control operator KE0QYA.

Weather Net on 12-04-2019 @ 12:05

Thanks to the following for checking in to the SPARK weather net today: W3MEB, KØTV, NØXG, KDØETL, KDØWLB, NØEE, KEØVCR, KDØOPS, & KDØWXT. Great job everyone!!

Special thanks to Richard – KEØQYA for taking on the task of Managing net control.

Club Officer Elections

Fellow Hams,

I believe it is time and probably overdue for club officer elections. Please attend if possible, or give your nomination to one of the officers or someone you give your nomination to.

We will vote at the December meeting and new or present officers will take over in January.

November 2nd we will entertain nominations for:





Club Shirts

For all who were not at the last meeting.  “Doc” W3MEB is ordering new club shirts.  Get with him if you would like to order one.  Please ask him about the pockets!


Ok,  If you missed the meeting yesterday we won’t blame you,  but you now owe Doughnuts the next meeting.  We know who you are!    Just joking about that to getting your attention!

It was decided to try to open up a Simplex net on 147.030 with a change              ( NO TONE),  this will be every Wednesday evening at 8:00 PM.     The purpose is to establish a common freq. if the repeater is down and to see how efficient this is to work.  Hope to hear you on the air!  Please contact Paul Withers (KDØETL) kd0etl@outlook.com