September Meeting Reminder

Reminder that our September meeting will be on the 11th beginning at 8:30am at Our Savior Lutheran Church 3700 West Broadway in Sedalia in the shelter house. Hamfest and SET will be the main topics at the meeting. Have a safe Labor Day holiday and see you on the 11th.

Weekly Nets

Did you know that SPARK has 5 different nets during the week? Everyone is encouraged to check into as many as you can.

Sunday 8:00pm SPARK 2 meter net 147.030 (-) 179.9pl (rotating net controls)

Tuesday 7:00pm SPARK Stover Ragchew net 147.390 (+) no pl (KYOP net control)

Tuesday 8:00pm SPARK 6 meter net 53.11 (-1.7) 127.3pl (KF0ARQ net control)

Wednesday 8:pm SPARK simplex net 147.575 no tone or offset (KDOETL net control)

Wednesday 8:30pm SPARK 220 net 224.44 (-1.6) 107.2pl (KD0ETL net control)

September Meeting

Our September meeting will be on the 11th at Our Savior Lutheran Church 3700 West Broadway in the shelter house beginning at 8:30am. Meeting date changed due to the Labor Day holiday. Hamfest will be a major topic at our meeting. We currently have over 40 tables reserved as of this post with several more inquiries. Also on the agenda will be the SET exercise. We have a lot to discuss on these topics so we want everybody’s input. Hope to see as many members as possible there. 73’s

August Net Control Operators
8th Richard (KE0QYA)
15th Paul (KDOETL)
22nd Doc (W3MEB)
29th Steve (WA0WUY)

Thanks to Don (KF0ARQ) for running the net on August 1st.

Field Day 2021 – After the Fact

Field Day 2021 is behind us.
Time for picking up the pieces and reviewing how we did.
The map shows where we made contacts.

Early stats so far appear to be that we had:
21 members/guests signed in
3 new members joined
25 points made from contacts
We are still counting the bonus points
Also, there might be other members who will share points from their home station contacts

What happened:
On Friday there was really bad weather in the area and a forecast for Saturday threatened cancellation of our event.  But we found things different on Saturday morning. Can you believe it, the weather forecast was wrong!

At 10am, we decided to go ahead and do set up.
We were done around noonish
We began operation at 1pm
We were class 5A and our ARRL section was MO.
There was a lot of digital activity (FT8 mostly), but conditions for both voice and digital didn’t seem to be very favorable.
Around 3pm, we had a small, but very strong, storm cell pass over the FD site bringing a huge amount of rain over a short period.
We took a break about 5pm for supper.
We enjoyed hot dogs, side dishes, and deserts.
Daren KDØOPS cooked the dogs.
I didn’t try all the pot luck dishes. But, Chris KCØTKS ‘best ever baked beans’ claim didn’t disappoint.
We closed around 8pm. Everyone left in shiny, clean, freshly washed vehicles from the 3pm downpour.

Points are still being counted. A better idea of how we did will be announced at the July club meeting. The ARRL publishes Field Day results in their December QST magazine.

If you got contacts from your home stations, consider turning in points for yourself. Claim those contacts for your own call credit, but associate your submission with our club and your points will then be added to our club result.

Our club name is known as “Sedalia-Pettis AR Klub” to the ARRL.
We are an ARRL Special Service Club and are already in the ARRL database. So it is likely going to already be one of your choices as you search.

I’m working on collecting pictures which will be posted to this website. Be sure to check back later.

A really big Thank-You goes out to all the members of the SPARK club that made this 2021 Field Day such an enjoyable event.  I think everyone got something out of the experience and, if anything, we learned a few things to implement and make the next FD even better.

Harry, KØTV

July Meeting Date and Location



Our July meeting will be Saturday July 10th beginning at 8:30 am. Meeting location will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church at 3700 West Broadway(across from Lowe’s) in the outdoor shelter house. Several items to discuss on the agenda including preparing for Hamfest in October and Field Day wrap up. Following the meeting beginning at approximately 9:30 am a test session for local hams in our area will follow. This is by appointment only. Those wishing to test must contact Bret (W0VK) as soon as possible to pre-register. Bret’s email is listed on our clubs website or you can find it on Also it’s time to renew your membership so please don’t forget to pay your dues. Look forward to seeing everyone there. 73’s