November Testing Session

Immediately after our November meeting SPARK will be conducting a testing session for local hams who would like to upgrade or for those who you know that would like to get their license. Testing will begin at approximately 9:45 am. Those wishing to test must contact Bret (W0VK) pryor to the session. Bret’s email is listed on his QRZ page. Reminder that our November meeting will be on the 6th at EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am.

November Meeting

Our November 6th meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. Meeting topics will include Sparkfest and SET final reports and the final round of club officers nominations for the 2022 year. As the new year is approaching club dues will be coming up. Hope to see everyone on November 6th.

Push Week

We are just a few days away from Sparkfest. As we discussed at our meeting we have reconstructed our floor plan and have made room for 10 additional tables. We are down to 9 left as of this post. We encourage all members to contact your ham radio buddy’s and try to help us to sell out for the 2nd time. As talked about this is Push Week. Let’s sell those 9 tables before we set up on the 14th. Also encourage your friends that you have talked to about ham radio to attend. Copy this flyer and share to as many as you can. The committee can’t thank our great members enough for your hard work and dedication to making sure that this will be a time in our clubs history that will be talked about for years to come. Remember, this is Push Week. Go out and get them. Thanks Richard (KE0QYA)

October Meeting Reminder

Remember our club meeting this Saturday October 9th. Location is at Our Savior Lutheran Church 3700 West Broadway in Sedalia. Meeting begins at 8:30. Topics include Sparkfest, SET Exersice, and 1st round of nominations for club officers for the 2022 year. Important meeting so please plan on attending.

October Meeting

Our October meeting will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church located at 3700 West Broadway in Sedalia on the 9th (please note date) beginning at 8:30am at the shelter house. Sparkfest will be the main topic at the meeting. The response from vendors, clubs, and individuals has been overwhelming. We need as many members as possible to attend what will be our most important meeting of the year. Also on the agenda will be the SET exercise and the 1st round of nominations for club officers for the 2022 year. Hope to see everyone there.