December Meeting: What a great meeting we had today. With over 30 members in attendance President Bret (WOVK) started it off with the year in review. We had many highlights happen during the year thanks to the outstanding members that our club is blessed with. With starting the year having over the air meetings on our repeater because of COVID, to Field Day, acquiring our club owned Ecom trailer, SPARKFEST 2021, and the SET, POTA, and Turkey Trot communication duties. We truly had a busy year with those just being the highlights. On a more somber note we lost one of our own, Bob (KE0CYR) who became a silent key on September 11th. Preparations are beginning to be discussed for 2022. We are going to be going full steam ahead to insure that 2022 will be just as fun and exciting thank in part to our fabulous members.

During our meeting 2 awards of appreciation were presented to a couple of members who exemplify great leadership to SPARK. The 1st award was presented by President Bret to Scott (KJ4MWF) for his outstanding contributions and dedication to our club. The 2nd award was presented by Bret to Paul (KD0ETL) for his expertise in being a outstanding leader during our SET exercise.

The board is excited about the opportunities that our club will have in 2022. With such a great group of members, anything is possible.

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