Repeater Streaming up for a test

The SPARK 2 meter repeater is now up for a live streaming test. It will only be up for a short time. The streamer at this point is nothing but a tangled mess of wires on the workbench, but it appears to work.

In the next few days, it will be cleaned up into its final configuration.
Things to remember:
1. This is only a preliminary test. The feed may be up and down sporadically for several days.
2. The feed is delayed from live by 15 seconds to as much as 2 minutes.

Give a listen at on your computer, or install the official broadcastify app on your cell phone. Search for Missouri | Pettis County.

73, Chris – KC0TKS


Jim Keck WØFRX, SK

Jim Keck WØFRX

Our eldest Klub member, friend and mentor Jim Keck WØFRX became a silent key on Sunday, August 25, 2019 at the age of 98.

In some way, Jim touched nearly all of us over his many years, whether by mentoring, sharing his vast experience or by spending countless hours in QSOs with us.

He will be sadly missed.

His obituary can be found here.

Any Klub member who has a story to share about Jim is invited to add it to the end of this post. Click “edit” to add your memory of Jim.

Continue reading “Jim Keck WØFRX, SK”

Net Audio

The net last evening was a really good and informative one. I even got to check in for a change, which is rare. Perfect time for the recording to fail and it did.

I am at my wits’ end. I spent a significant amount of time diagnosing and repairing all possible causes of failure and several weeks had passed and I was confident I had it figured out once and for all. After I let my guard down, another failure happened 16 seconds into the recording this past Sunday.

I’m not sure what to do except to have several of us do the recording every week, that way at least one of us captures it. Anyone interested in stepping up, let me know and I will show you how to do it.

I hate to do it, but I may just give up on it.  I have alarms, reminders and timers set and still have a sketchy record that all seems like a waste of my time and effort. I enjoy the recordings as much as the rest of you, I am rarely here for the net and get to listen after the fact but the unreliability really has my enthusiasm at zero.

Chris – KC0TKS


Login Credentials Going Out

I have started sending login info to members. It is a slow process so be patient. It takes up to 10 minutes each to manually create an account and send the email.

They are being done alphabetically by last name and I am only going to do a few at a time to make sure there aren’t any problems.

I will try to have them all sent out by the end of today.

Chris – KC0TKS

I have created accounts and sent out emails 
to all members. If you did not get an email, 
check your spam folder.

I had numerous power failures at the end of
this process, so last names of M and N may
have issues. Let me know.

Blast From the Past

I was looking through an old backup drive and came across hundreds of old nets from 2007-2009 that I had recorded.

Repeaters include:

  • Bolivar
  • Clinton
  • Raymore
  • Sedalia
  • Stover
  • Warsaw
  • Warrensburg

There were three SPARK Nets from 2009 and I posted them at the bottom of our Previous Nets page, highlighted in blue.

Anyone interested in copies of them can contact KC0TKS or the site Admins.

Updated Logo

Daren,  KDØOPS is working on an updated logo for the club. He says this was just a “first quick pass”, but I think it looks awesome.

Thanks Daren!