Club Meeting 5 May 2018

May 2018 SPARK Club meeting.

We were all in a tiny meeting room at the firehouse but still got business done and had a good time.

17 members were in attendance.

A number of things were discussed including Field Day,  a new club logo that Daren, KDØOPS is working on, T-shirts and the new website.

Phillip, KJ5ZW talked briefly about Field Day activities that we will be sharing this year with the Warrensburg and Benton County clubs. He spoke about  operational details, stations, bands and modes.

Daren presented a stack of proofs to the group of all the different club logo options he has created. After a lengthy discussion, a vote was taken on which logo will be used,  a shirt printer was chosen and orders were taken.


Photos or other submissions that you would like to see added to this post can be sent to



4 Replies to “Club Meeting 5 May 2018”

  1. We would like to have a minimum of five VE’s on the VE team and shooting for six. If you are interested, please contact Donald AD0VD, Brooks KA0JWA, or myself KJ5ZW.
    73’s Phillip kj5zw

      1. Very good Chris. As long as you have remained a licensed Ham, it is just a matter of being reinstated. I believe it is just a paperwork matter for you.
        Daren has expressed an interest and will start the process rolling for his certification.

  2. I am super-pumped over the way our new website is turning out. I also see activity in the Sedalia Radio Club members and new Hams.
    On another note, my Volunteer Examiners certification came in the mail. Brooks, KA0JWA, should received his any day now. Donald, AD0VD, is already a VE. The three of us are preparing to be a VE team.
    73’s KJ5ZW

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