5 Replies to “SPARK Club Silent Keys”

  1. Milton Malnory is on the list. Does anyone remember Glenda, his wife?
    I remember them both from my CB radio days as a child. Was she a ham? Is she SK?

    Also, I thought that I saw somewhere that Gary Staten, KØGLS had died but can’t confirm that by any Internet search. Anyone know?

    Garnett Bryan, WØAZL was my first inspiration for ham radio. I worked with him at Radio-TV Supply down at Main and Washington, (just before they became Show-Me Electronics) next to the railroad overpass while I was in High-School at my very first job (1978). Great guy, lots of info and Elmering, lots of fun!

    1. I believe Gary Staten passed last year. Garnet Bryan is listed in the Summer 1946 Call Book as W9AZL. The FCC-or whatever they were called back then- changed his call to WØAZL when they created the Tenth Call District.

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