Baofeng UV5R Low Transmit Audio (From John N0EE)

Paul, consider making a post on the SPARK page about some users of the Baofeng UV5R having very weak transmit audio, I’m sure you’ve noticed that. Most likely it’s because the UV5R is set to Narrow Band mode.  Here’s how to check it and change it to Wide Band mode if needed.

1- Press MENU at the upper left corner of the keypad. Voice will say “MENU”. (hopefully in English!)
2- Press the Number 5 on the keypad. The display will show either NARR or WIDE.
3- If the display shows NARR, press MENU. Voice will say “CHANNEL BANDWIDTH”. (If the display shows WIDE merely press EXIT)
4- Press either the UP arrow or the DOWN arrow on the keypad, the display will then show WIDE.
5- Press MENU. Voice will say “CONFIRM”.
6-  Press EXIT.

If this procedure doesn’t cure the low transmit audio the user should speak louder and make sure the microphone (behind that teeny tiny hole to the left of the speaker and above the A/B button)  is directly in front of and close to the user’s mouth. Sometimes during assembly the piece of foam that holds the microphone element in place gets dislodged and may partially cover the microphone element, that usually requires disassembly.  Sometimes that teeny tiny hole needs to be reamed out ever so slightly. Don’t go very deep or the the microphone element will be destroyed, and a speaker mike is the only recourse from then on.

John  N0EE


Member Picture

Hey a lot of our members would like to see each others “Ham Shack”.

If you would like , post your shack pic or favorite radio that you use.

Ham shack can also be mobile.

Paul, KD0ETL

Volunteers Needed for S.P.A.R.K. Tech. Training Session

S.P.A.R.K. members:

We have discussed in past meeting putting together a “Technician Class” to get new persons interested in the hobby a place to come and learn.  I have been asked to head up the training.  I agreed to do this but like the hobby itself its no fun just with one person.  I am asking for volunteers to help teach  the (10) Sub-elements in the question pool.  I have gone to (2) Tech classes over the course of several years.  One was when I was first licensed and one was a short time ago when my wife got the bug and got her ticket.  Both of these learning sessions were done in Warrensburg at the WAARCI club office.  Both were very good classes with a similar type of layout.  I am hoping to get (5) instructors to fill the two weekend days of Sat. Jan 5th and Sat. Jan 12th.

Now the questions are churning and you ask yourself: What do I have to do?

Well, I am working on preliminary lesson plans and hope that the instructors can give feedback or offer some suggestions for corrections.  I hope to have most of the work done and the instructors will be asked to go over the power point presentation lesson, in the beginning, followed by the selected question pool questions at the end.    That’s it.  We will try to have times set for those that cannot stay the duration of the day.  If you don’t like public speaking that’s ok also.  Please come to support your fellow HAMS and meet the new wave coming in.

We do not intend for this class to teach the new students everything they need to know about Amateur Radio.  We are having the classes to teach them how to pass the test.

I expect for those operators that are there to get loaded down with questions so any support to the cause you can give will be appreciated.

Current list of Subelements and Volunteers


T1 — FCC Rules, descriptions, and definitions for the Amateur Radio Service, operator and station license responsibilities

T2 — Operating Procedures

T3 — Radio wave characteristics: properties of radio waves; propagation modes (Phillip Markmann)

T4 — Amateur radio practices and station set-up (Daren Nerad)

T5 — Electrical principles: math for electronics; electronic principles; Ohm’s Law

T6 — Electrical components; circuit diagrams; component functions

T7 — Station equipment: common transmitter and receiver problems; antenna measurements; troubleshooting; basic repair and testing

T8 — Modulation modes: amateur satellite operation; operating activities; non-voice and digital communications

T9 — Antennas and feed lines (Phillip Markmann)

T0 — Electrical safety: AC and DC power circuits; antenna installation; RF hazards

Please send me a direct email to : KD0OPS@ARRL.NET

If you could put “Volunteer Tech Testing” in the subject line and let me know which Subelement you’re interested in teaching.  If you are interested and it is one that is already taken please list that also and we can use you as an alternate.

UPDATE: 12/8/2018

Dates for Technician Classes:

1/5/2019 = 8:00 to 3:00 (Times are best guess and could be extended to complete the lessons)

1/12/2019 = 8:00 to 12:00

1/12/2019 = 1:00 to last test completion

Instructor volunteers to date:  Scott – KEØQLT, Brett – KDØUSK,  John – NØXG, Phillip – KJ5ZW,  Daren – KDØOPS

Please feel free to shoot me an email to get your name in so we can coordinate.


Club Embroidered Shirts



Julie Dougherty

6338 NE 68th Ter

Kansas City, Missouri

 Call (816) 665-7076


Polo Shirts:

With Logo only =$13

With Logo and Name/Call =$14

Mesh Back Hats =$10

Mesh Back Hats with Call (on side) =$11

Julie is easy to work with,  give her a call to place your order.  She would be able to tweek to your liking.  I am sure she can pool the orders if needed.  Please let me know if you have any question.

Daren – KDØOPS

Net Audio

The net last evening was a really good and informative one. I even got to check in for a change, which is rare. Perfect time for the recording to fail and it did.

I am at my wits’ end. I spent a significant amount of time diagnosing and repairing all possible causes of failure and several weeks had passed and I was confident I had it figured out once and for all. After I let my guard down, another failure happened 16 seconds into the recording this past Sunday.

I’m not sure what to do except to have several of us do the recording every week, that way at least one of us captures it. Anyone interested in stepping up, let me know and I will show you how to do it.

I hate to do it, but I may just give up on it.  I have alarms, reminders and timers set and still have a sketchy record that all seems like a waste of my time and effort. I enjoy the recordings as much as the rest of you, I am rarely here for the net and get to listen after the fact but the unreliability really has my enthusiasm at zero.

Chris – KC0TKS


Net Audio Problem Resolved?

As many of you have noticed, the posting of the net’s audio has been flaky as of late. Crackly audio had become the norm and total failures of the recording had been commonplace.

I spent most of an afternoon earlier last week, researching the problem, then testing suggested fixes. After that, I recorded the repeater for two days straight without a failure  and with clean audio, then again on Sunday’s net. All seems well now (fingers crossed).

I hope you all enjoy the website and Net audio, I spend a significant amount of my spare time maintaining this site and trying to keep the audio up to date.

Chris – KC0TKS