Meeting this Saturday (2-1-2020) will be at the EOC HEADQUARTERS at the Pettis County Sheriff’s office in the basement. Located at 4th & Lamine in Sedalia (ne of courthouse). Meeting begins at 8:30.
Winter Field Day (Canceled)
Winter Field Day (Canceled – Due to forecasted severe weather)
S.P.A.R. K Radio Klub
Saturday January 25th
Paul, KD0ETL
Thanks to all those who were willing to participate. Please take a moment to get on the air this day from your own shack. Below is a list of other ARRL contest dates for 2020-2021.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”ARRL Contests Calendar 2020-2021″]
S.P.A.R.K Simplex Net
Wednesdays at 8:00 PM
147.575 simplex
Join the conversation, and test your signal not using a repeater.
73’s To all
Paul, KD0ETL
SPARK Severe Weather Net 8 Jan 2020
SPARK Meeting January 4th, 2020
SPARK Meeting January 4th, 2020
January Net Control Operators
5th Richard (KE0QYA)
12th John (N0XG)
19th Paul (KDOETL)
26th Bret (W0VK)
President – Bret Kuhns W0VK
Vice President – Richard Camirand KE0QYA
Secretary – Harry Burford K0TV
Treasurer – John Cline N0XG
Our elected officers ran unopposed.
The previous Club Officers were thanked for their service and devotion to the club. Paul Withers – KD0ETL ; Brooks Baker – KA0JWA; Lana Langford – KD0IZG.
The club would not be where it’s at without all the support of the members and the work of the officers. As we look forward to 2020 please help us grow and expand our base and community involvement by participation. This can be as big as owning and leading a project for the club or just being that Operator that doesn’t let a call on the repeater go unanswered. Lets make it a great year and “Make Amateur Radio Great Again!”
Weather Net
Thanks to the following stations who checked into the weather net on 12/4/19. K0TV, W3MEB, W0VK, KYOP, KE0SJG, KDOETL, N0EE, and KD0WXT. Thanks from your net control operator KE0QYA.
Weather Net on 12-04-2019 @ 12:05
Thanks to the following for checking in to the SPARK weather net today: W3MEB, KØTV, NØXG, KDØETL, KDØWLB, NØEE, KEØVCR, KDØOPS, & KDØWXT. Great job everyone!!
Special thanks to Richard – KEØQYA for taking on the task of Managing net control.