Login Credentials Going Out

I have started sending login info to members. It is a slow process so be patient. It takes up to 10 minutes each to manually create an account and send the email.

They are being done alphabetically by last name and I am only going to do a few at a time to make sure there aren’t any problems.

I will try to have them all sent out by the end of today.

Chris – KC0TKS

I have created accounts and sent out emails 
to all members. If you did not get an email, 
check your spam folder.

I had numerous power failures at the end of
this process, so last names of M and N may
have issues. Let me know.

Blast From the Past

I was looking through an old backup drive and came across hundreds of old nets from 2007-2009 that I had recorded.

Repeaters include:

  • Bolivar
  • Clinton
  • Raymore
  • Sedalia
  • Stover
  • Warsaw
  • Warrensburg

There were three SPARK Nets from 2009 and I posted them at the bottom of our Previous Nets page, highlighted in blue.

Anyone interested in copies of them can contact KC0TKS or the site Admins.

Updated Logo

Daren,  KDØOPS is working on an updated logo for the club. He says this was just a “first quick pass”, but I think it looks awesome.

Thanks Daren!