Winter Field Day (Canceled)

Winter Field Day (Canceled – Due to forecasted severe weather) 

S.P.A.R. K Radio Klub

Saturday January 25th

Paul, KD0ETL

Thanks to all those who were willing to participate.    Please take a moment to get on the air this day from your own shack.  Below is a list of other ARRL contest dates for 2020-2021.


[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”ARRL Contests Calendar 2020-2021″]

Club Officer Elections

Fellow Hams,

I believe it is time and probably overdue for club officer elections. Please attend if possible, or give your nomination to one of the officers or someone you give your nomination to.

We will vote at the December meeting and new or present officers will take over in January.

November 2nd we will entertain nominations for:





S.P.A.R.K Klub Meeting

S.P.A.R.K Klub Meeting

S.P.A.R.K Klub Meeting

Sat. October 5th 8:30 AM

First United Methodist Church (Celebration Center)

1701 W. 32nd Street, Sedalia, MO

February S.P.A.R.K Klub Meeting Minutes

S.P.A.R.K. Meeting Minutes – 02/02/2019

Meeting called to order 8:36 a.m.

Treasurer’s report as of 01/31/2029
Checking * $1649.34
Savings * $234.00
Old Minutes were unavailable
Old Business
Renewed discussion pertaining to the minutes of the meeting being distributed via E-Mail
to club members
New Business
Chris, KC0TKS will be live streaming the net this Sunday night.
Phillip KJ5ZW, Asked about fixing the long squelch tail on the repeater. John N0XG, will check into alleviating the problem.
Dennis KY0P, requested an introduction of all in attendance, due to the new Hams and guests at the meeting.
Bob KE0CYR wished to express his thanks to the VE team for holding the test sessions.
A request for having a general class and exam was made.
Sam KE0LMY, spoke to the group concerning field day. She invited S.P.A.R.K. to again participate along with the Benton County and Warrensburg clubs in field day operations.
Richard KEOQYA, made a motion to accept the invitation which was seconded by Nick
KEONIL. A vote was taken and the motion passed.
Sam also requested our assistance with a technician class to be held in Benton County and offered help with our Website and Facebook page.
A new radio club has been established of in Warsaw.  information about The Dam Amateur Radio Klub or D.A.R.K. can be found at
Chris, KC0TKS, asked if anyone had contact the International Space Station on a recent flyover.
Next meeting will be April 6th
The chair accepted a motion to adjourn from Phillip KJ5ZW and seconded by David
KDOORW. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.


Baofeng UV5R Low Transmit Audio (From John N0EE)

Paul, consider making a post on the SPARK page about some users of the Baofeng UV5R having very weak transmit audio, I’m sure you’ve noticed that. Most likely it’s because the UV5R is set to Narrow Band mode.  Here’s how to check it and change it to Wide Band mode if needed.

1- Press MENU at the upper left corner of the keypad. Voice will say “MENU”. (hopefully in English!)
2- Press the Number 5 on the keypad. The display will show either NARR or WIDE.
3- If the display shows NARR, press MENU. Voice will say “CHANNEL BANDWIDTH”. (If the display shows WIDE merely press EXIT)
4- Press either the UP arrow or the DOWN arrow on the keypad, the display will then show WIDE.
5- Press MENU. Voice will say “CONFIRM”.
6-  Press EXIT.

If this procedure doesn’t cure the low transmit audio the user should speak louder and make sure the microphone (behind that teeny tiny hole to the left of the speaker and above the A/B button)  is directly in front of and close to the user’s mouth. Sometimes during assembly the piece of foam that holds the microphone element in place gets dislodged and may partially cover the microphone element, that usually requires disassembly.  Sometimes that teeny tiny hole needs to be reamed out ever so slightly. Don’t go very deep or the the microphone element will be destroyed, and a speaker mike is the only recourse from then on.

John  N0EE