Balloon and Kite Festival

For you early risers come join us for some ham radio fun this Saturday June 8th at 5:30 am. We will have the opportunity to track the balloons if they fly weather permitting using APRS at the Kite & Balloon Festival. We will meeting on the south side of the west campgrounds at the Missouri State Fair on Clarendon Rd. Doc (W3MEB) will begin with a briefing around 6am on what the organizers would like us to do. Even if you do not have APRS this will be a great way to learn about it and do what we like to do with ham radio (have fun). We will also be running a special net on our 2 meter repeater during the exercise. If they do not fly because of the weather we will still conduct an exercise and explore our capabilities. All members are welcome and encouraged to be there.

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