August Meeting Re-Cap

August Meeting Re-Cap.
At our monthly meeting today held at the Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters several exciting things took place. We started out by having our 34 members in attendance take a look at our totally upgraded ECOM trailer. Mark (K0NYE) gave us a report on what he did. Our trailer is ready for deployment anytime/anywhere if ever heeded. With various radio equipment available to use including Moswin we or any first responders can utilize this important asset. This is something that all members can be proud of. Other than our committee reports, several items were discussed. In the next few months we will have training on DMR and CW for our members. The ladies are very excited about getting ready for our entry in this years Christmas parade. They are also planning on entering some other parades in the surrounding areas. We will have a SPARK POTA at Bothwell State Park Saturday August 13th beginning at 9am which all members are encouraged to attend. We will have a special announcement regarding our Sunday Night 2m net in the next couple of weeks. We will have a separate post for that later. Lifetime membership was awarded to a couple of men who have indeed done so much to promote ham radio and our club. They both exemplify what Ham Radio is all about. Not only their time, knowledge, and yes sometimes $$ to promote SPARK and the hobby that we all love. Congratulations to Paul (KD0ETL) and Mark (K0NYE) who now are Lifetime Members. The biggie of course is SPARKFEST. With 2 months till its here, we are already bigger and better than before. With 2 groups wanting to hold their meetings there, SPARKFEST is indeed on the map now as a premier Hamfest. We have become Central Missouri’s biggest Hamfest of the year. Lots of exciting things are happening with SPARK. Our next couple of meetings will be important due to our activities and Sparkfest. If you haven’t been to be able to attend because of summer activities, we would encourage you to attend and see all the exciting things happening with SPARK. 73’s until our next club post

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