“National Zero Derby”
July 4th, 2018
The Sedalia Pettis Amateur Radio Klub will be operating Special Event Station NØD July 4th, 2018 from the Missouri State Fairgrounds, commemorating the 2018 National Derby Rallies National Championship for soap box derby cars. Operations will be in the General portions of the HF bands, 28.300-28.500 on 10m, and 147.03 -600 PL 179.9.
The Missouri National Guard has given us permission to set up our special event station NØD July 4th on the west side of the armory located on the west end of the fairgrounds, and is allowing us access to AC power. The armory is directly beside the starting line and race track for the derby cars, and we determined that this location is far more suitable than near the Swine Pavilion. Everyone is invited to attend and operate the special event station. Talk in will be on the 147.03 repeater, negative offset PL 179.9.
For a certificate send your QSL, $1 and a #10 SASE to NØEE, or send $2 and your certificate will be sent unfolded in a 9 x 12 envelope postage paid.
Listen for “National Zero Derby” and make a contact! For more information contact n0ee@juno.com.
arrl.org - Special Events
ksisradio.com - Derby
mostatefairgrounds.com - Derby
sedaliademocrat.com - Derby