Your opportunity to play some HF radio next Saturday April 13th at the KATY Depot. We will be doing a POTA activation at the Caboose. Starts at 9am. Special congrats go out to Stanley P. who after our April meeting passed the Technician test. Lots of things coming up in the next few months so please plan on attending the next meeting on May 4th at the Pettis County EOC located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am.
SPARK – PARKS ON THE AIR Monthly events
It’s about that time!!
- Monthly Parks On The Air Events Begin in April
- We will be hosting POTA events each month at some of the Most Awesome Parks in Central Missouri. Stay tuned for our first location!
- Come Join Us!!
March Net Control Operators
March Net Control Operators are as follows:
- 3rd – Don
- 10th – Russ
- 17th – Renda
- 24th – Joel
- 31st – Paul
Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act of 2024
February Net Control Operators
February Net Control Operators are as follows:
- 4th – Richard
- 11th – Joel
- 18th – Steve & Russ
- 25th – Renda
We hope everyone can make it out to join us on Saturday January the 27th and Sunday the 28th at the Pettis County EMA building on North Ohio St here in Sedalia. Fun & Food will be awesome as usual. If you have a dish you would like to bring, we would love that. We really hope to see you there! Keep in mind we will be operating 24 hours beginning 1pm Saturday and concluding at 12:59 Sunday
Winter Field Day’s Core Principles:
Natural disasters are unpredictable and can strike when you least expect them.
Your training and operating skills should not be limited to fair-weather scenarios.
Preparedness is the key to a professional and timely response during any event.
WFD is an opportunity for ham radio operators to practice portable emergency communications in winter environments as the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operational concerns. WFD is formatted to help increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions.
Open to all club members and we hope you can make it!
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”SPARK TECH HAM 101 CLASS – FEB 2024″]
Net Control for January 2024
Net Control Operators for January
-Jan 7th Paul KD0ETL
-Jan 14th Don KF0ARQ
-Jan 21st Joel KE0WJX
-Jan 28th Russ K6HU
Thank you to all Net Control Operators for volunteering!!