December Meeting

NOTE MEETING DATE: Our December 11th meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. Meeting topics will include planning for the upcoming year. After the meeting we will conduct a testing session for locals who want to upgrade or for new Tech’s. If you would like to test please pre-register with Bret(W0VK), his email address is It’s that time to pay your club dues for 2022. Hope to see everyone there.


To SPARK club members; on Saturday morning, 27 November 2021, one of our members needs some assistance in a Parks on the Air activity. KJ4MFW will be activating the Sedalia Depot (Katy Trail) as part of the Parks On The Air (POTA) challenge. Scott is looking for club members to support his efforts in radio operations to help activate this location. Here are some reasons you may wish to come help:

You want to help a club member activate a POTA location
You are interested in learning more about Parks on the Air
Your are free on 27 November (and thank you)
You know how to take pictures or you wish to be in pictures!
You want KJ4MFW to owe you a favor!
You currently owe KJ4MFW a favor! LOL

So, on the morning of the 27th we need to make 15-20 QSOs from the caboose to complete the activation. We can go on as long as we are having fun; but the requirement is 15 QSOs. I like to make a few more than the required amount because sometimes the reporting of QSOs has errors. The last time I did this, it took about 90 minutes to complete the effort. If this is a happy success, perhaps our club could begin to do regular POTA events. If not, just consider it an event where you helped a fellow club member.

If you can help, please contact:

Scott//Hambone: KJ4MFW@GMAIL.COM

If you are curious to lear more about POTA, YouTube: POTA

Or, check our or To learn more.

Finally, I recently activated a POTA park… Here is my video from my experience:

November Net Control Operators & Club Elections

November Net Control Operators
7th Richard (KE0QYA)
14th Chris (KE0FUD)
21st Paul (KD0ETL)
28th Don (KF0ARQ)

Congratulations to the following that were elected to the board for 2022
Bret (W0VK) President
Richard (KE0QYA) Vice-President
Harry (K0TV) Secretary
John (N0XG) Treasure


Our fall SET Exercise is in the books. Special thanks to Scott (KJ4MFW) who organized our event. Special thanks to all of our members who participated by checking into the net and those who completed special tasks during the exercise. Thanks go out also to a few members who set up our communication trailer at Bothwell State Park that was our SET command location. SPARK also wishes to thank Sedalia Pettis County Emergency Management Director Trisha Rooda who played a vital part of our event. Pictures can be viewed on our clubs Facebook page and also on our group page.

SET Exercise

Many have been asking about the SET exercise scheduled for Saturday October 30th. It is happening. We want as many of our members to participate as possible. Some have asked ” what is the plan or what can I do?”. Here’s the deal. Since this is a simulated emergency, I simply can’t tell you. You’re going to have to listen in this Saturday morning on our 2 meter repeater beginning at approximately 8:30 am for the details. A lot of planning has gone into this so it should be a great learning experience for all of us. 73’s

November Testing Session

Immediately after our November meeting SPARK will be conducting a testing session for local hams who would like to upgrade or for those who you know that would like to get their license. Testing will begin at approximately 9:45 am. Those wishing to test must contact Bret (W0VK) pryor to the session. Bret’s email is listed on his QRZ page. Reminder that our November meeting will be on the 6th at EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am.

November Meeting

Our November 6th meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. Meeting topics will include Sparkfest and SET final reports and the final round of club officers nominations for the 2022 year. As the new year is approaching club dues will be coming up. Hope to see everyone on November 6th.

Push Week

We are just a few days away from Sparkfest. As we discussed at our meeting we have reconstructed our floor plan and have made room for 10 additional tables. We are down to 9 left as of this post. We encourage all members to contact your ham radio buddy’s and try to help us to sell out for the 2nd time. As talked about this is Push Week. Let’s sell those 9 tables before we set up on the 14th. Also encourage your friends that you have talked to about ham radio to attend. Copy this flyer and share to as many as you can. The committee can’t thank our great members enough for your hard work and dedication to making sure that this will be a time in our clubs history that will be talked about for years to come. Remember, this is Push Week. Go out and get them. Thanks Richard (KE0QYA)