Saturday June 26th is almost here. We will again be at Our Savior Lutheran Church located at 3700 W. Broadway in Sedalia(across from Lowe’s). We will begin to set up equipment between 10-11am. We can start making contacts at 1pm. Around 5pm we will be grilling hot dogs. Members are encouraged to bring a covered dish( the church has a nice commercial fridge) that we can put things in until we eat. We hope all members will participate this year. It will be a great time to visit, play on the radio, and enjoy the hobby we all love. Look forward to seeing all members there.
Field Day 2021
2021 Field Day
Field Day is fast approaching. June 26th, this years field day location will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church located at 3700 W. Broadway in Sedalia (across from Lowe’s). They have a very nice shelter house that they are going to allow us to use again this year. Harry (K0TV) is this years chairman of this event. Set up will be somewhere around 10-11am with the contacts beginning at 1pm. We will be running it until either we tucker out or at least till 6am on Sunday morning( we have to be gone because of Sunday being a day of worship ). We will be having a cookout Saturday evening with hopefully everyone that will be there bring a covered dish. Let us know if you’re going to be there. You can also email Harry ( for further information. Look forward to seeing all members there. 73’s
Copied from WAARCI’s Facebook Page. RIP WE0G
It is with great sadness that I need to report the passing of a well known ham in this area and beyond,
Keith (Harold) Haye, WE0G has become a silent key.
Keith was a life member of the club and was active until he became too ill to do so. Any time we had an event, a meeting, a net, a special event, Keith could be counted on to be involved. He especially loved contesting and working with new hams, and he had a knack for getting people to talk to him on the air.
More details will come later. Keith had been sick for some time and had taken a couple of bad falls, but today we have heard that he lost his fight. I will miss hearing his voice on our repeater and all of his stories. Keith is going to be greatly missed by everyone who knew him.
June Net Control Operators
6th Doc (W3MEB)
13th Richard (KE0QYA)
20th Paul (KD0ETL)
27th Don (KF0ARQ)
June Weather Net Exercise
[update] The June siren test has been postponed until Wednesday, June 9th.
June Weather Net Exercise will be Wednesday June 2nd beginning at approximately 12:10 pm following the EMA siren test at noon. All listening stations are encouraged to check in.
June Meeting
Our June meeting will be Saturday June 5th beginning at 8:30 am. Meeting location will be at the EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. Mask are not required but they are encouraged to be worn. Several items to discuss on the agenda including preparing for Field Day on June 26th-27th. Following the meeting beginning at approximately 9:30 am a test session for local hams in our area will follow. This is by appointment only. Those wishing to test must contact Bret (W0VK) as soon as possible to pre-register. Bret’s email is listed on our clubs website or you can find it on Also it’s time to renew your membership so please don’t forget to pay your dues. Look forward to seeing everyone there. 73’s
Blast from the past
Can you guess the operator? This photo was taken in 1970. He was a very active member of SPARK for several years. He recently moved to Texas to be closer to family. Our loss as a club was a blessing to his family. He does keep in touch with a few members and listens to our Sunday night 2m net on the Broadcastify app. We miss hearing that voice saying his call as he can only do “KJ5ZW”. The next time your back in Sedalia let us know.
Time to Upgrade
Now is the time to upgrade your license or to get that friend of yours to take the Technician test. With the added FCC license fee fast approaching on new and upgrades, time is running out on saving you the additional fee. Our next test session for local hams will be on June 5th following our monthly meeting. Those wishing to test must pre-register with Bret(WOVK). You can email Bret to get your name on the list. Bret’s email can be found on his QRZ page or on the ARRL website. You have some time to start studying so we wish all who will test the best of luck.
May Weather Net Exercise
May Weather Net Exercise will be Wednesday May 5th beginning at approximately 12:10pm weather permitting. All listening stations are encouraged to check in.