APRIL Meeting Re-Cap

April 2nd Meeting Re-Cap

Fantastic meeting today with 40 members in attendance. Great group of members who are dedicated to promoting and making ham radio fun in Sedalia/Pettis County.

Other than the usual business, we discussed running a Special Event station for the Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival June 2-4. We set up the Ecom Trailer and even though the bands were horrible we made some contacts for the Missouri QSO Party. We reminded everyone about Field Day June 25-26th. Then we discussed Sparkfest 2022. We should have it listed on the ARRL ‘s website sometime next week. We have sent out emails and have contacted some vendors this past week. We already have 27 confirmed for Sparkfest in October. This is more than 1/2 of the tables we sold at last year’s event.

After the meeting we conducted a VE test session. We had 2 to test for Technician and 2 who tested for upgrades. Congratulations to Ronald H. who passed his Technician test, and to Bart (KE0ZTG) who passed and now is a Extra.

Darren (KD0OPS) started a General class today after the meeting with 7 that are studying to upgrade.

We have more exciting things that we are working on to make this year better than before. We are blessed to have such a strong group of members who are dedicated to promoting the hobby that we all enjoy. Our next meeting will be on May 7th at EMA Headquarters.

April Meeting

Our April 2nd meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am. After the meeting we will conduct a testing session for locals who want to upgrade or for new Tech’s. The new fee passed by congress of $35.00 will take effect on April 19th. This fee has to be paid directly to the FCC. The fee is for new licenses, upgrades,changing to a vanity call sign, and renewals. You will still have to pay the $15.00 fee to the club the day you test. This fee cover the cost of the testing materials. If you would like to test after our meeting you must pre-register with Bret(W0VK), his email address is hota2@hotmail.com.

After the meeting we will be setting up the Ecom trailer and participating in the Missouri QSO party. Several members are bringing goodies to eat for lunch. This will be a great opportunity to hang out and fellowship with members. If you would like to bring some munchies that would be great. If you haven’t yet just a reminder that it’s time to pay your club dues for 2021. Hope to see everyone there.

March Meeting

What a meeting! At our meeting this morning we had 36 in attendance. We are truly blessed to have such a strong group of members who are dedicated to promoting ham radio in Central Missouri.

Daren (KD0OPS) started us out by a special presentation on DMR. We discussed the Missouri QSO party coming up in April, a Scott Joplin special event station, and Sparkfest 2022 just to name a few topics.

After the meeting we conducted a VE test session. We are proud to announce that Leo & Lori Shuart passed and our now Spark’s newest Technicians.

Our next meeting will be April 2nd at EMA Headquarters.

Special Presentation

Don(KF0ARQ) left and Bret(WOVK) right presented Don Weaver(center) a plaque for his generous donation of 2 limousine golf carts for Sparkfest 2021. His donation made it possible for us to take care of our vendors and guests due to a funeral being held at the church the same day and us having to use the parking lot across the street. Mr. Weaver is a tremendous supporter of our community and organizations such as ours. Mr. Weaver is looking forward to supporting Sparkfest 2022 this October. Thanks again Don

March Meeting

NOTE MEETING DATE: Our March 5th meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. After the meeting we will conduct a testing session for locals who want to upgrade or for new Tech’s. If you would like to test please pre-register with Bret(W0VK), his email address is hota2@hotmail.com. It’s that time to pay your club dues for 2022. Hope to see everyone there.

New Hams

Congratulations to those who tested at our February 5th meeting who received their call signs. If you hear them on the radio please welcome them to the hobby that we all love.
Marcia Withers KF0HYQ Technician
Jordan Polk KF0HYR Technician
Ryan Anderson KF0HYP Technician

Bart Kuhns KE0WZTG ( Upgrade License to General)


February Net Control Operators
6th Doc (W3MEB)
13th Paul (KD0ETL)
20th Richard (KE0QYA)
27th Joel (KE0WJX)
Sunday Night Net begins at 8:00pm on our 2 meter repeater 147.030(-) offset

Join us each Tuesday night beginning at 7pm for our weekly ragchew net operated by Dennis (KY0P) on our 2 meter repeater 147.030 (-)offset

On Wednesday nights beginning at 8pm we have our Simplex Net operated by Paul (KD0ETL).

Plenty of opportunities to stay in touch with our club members and local friends.