Live Stream Down

**UPDATE**:  A Bandaid fix has been applied and so far seems to help. Please give it a try and report back to  Hope this helps Doc who I assume is deployed with FEMA.

Six of you streamed the net last evening (Oct. 2). 
Please give me some feedback on your audio quality
so I can finalize the repair.


The Broadcastify feed, although still listed as “online” is down until further notice.

Somewhere along the way the live stream developed a loud screech on some but not all transmissions and I just noticed it. I find nothing wrong on my end and Broadcastify can find nothing wrong on their end. My trouble ticket even got escalated to the CEO of the company and she investigated herself and came up with nothing. The story of my life – “wow, I’ve never seen that problem before”!

Looks like it is going to take some down and dirty troubleshooting to find this one.

Chris – KC0TKS


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