March Meeting

NOTE MEETING DATE: Our March 5th meeting will be held at Sedalia-Pettis County EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. After the meeting we will conduct a testing session for locals who want to upgrade or for new Tech’s. If you would like to test please pre-register with Bret(W0VK), his email address is It’s that time to pay your club dues for 2022. Hope to see everyone there.

New Hams

Congratulations to those who tested at our February 5th meeting who received their call signs. If you hear them on the radio please welcome them to the hobby that we all love.
Marcia Withers KF0HYQ Technician
Jordan Polk KF0HYR Technician
Ryan Anderson KF0HYP Technician

Bart Kuhns KE0WZTG ( Upgrade License to General)


February Net Control Operators
6th Doc (W3MEB)
13th Paul (KD0ETL)
20th Richard (KE0QYA)
27th Joel (KE0WJX)
Sunday Night Net begins at 8:00pm on our 2 meter repeater 147.030(-) offset

Join us each Tuesday night beginning at 7pm for our weekly ragchew net operated by Dennis (KY0P) on our 2 meter repeater 147.030 (-)offset

On Wednesday nights beginning at 8pm we have our Simplex Net operated by Paul (KD0ETL).

Plenty of opportunities to stay in touch with our club members and local friends.

February Meeting

At our February 5th meeting Doc(W3MEB) was awarded his lifetime membership plaque by President Bret(WOVK). Doc was voted by SPARK to receive this prestigious award before SPARKFEST of last year. He was deployed by FEMA after hurricane Ida to Louisiana for 144 days so we had to wait till now to recognize him. Thank Doc for your many contributions and help to the ham radio community.

After the meeting we conducted our 1st VE test session of the year. Congratulations to the following for their new licenses and upgrade:
Marcia Withers Technician
Ryan Anderson Technician
Jordan Polk Technician
Bart Kuhns Upgrade to General

Our next club meeting will be on March 5th at EMA headquarters.