
After our May club meeting we conducted a VE testing session. Congratulations to the following Technicians you successfully upgraded to a General Class license:
Ryan (kf0hyp)
Robert (kd6new)
Amber (ke0qyl)
Camron (kf0mgl)

March / April – Technician Class and testing

Wow! What an honor to have the privilege of teaching and testing such a group. We had a great turnout on the class, testing, and upgrades for this March/April. 7 students, 5 new Technicians, 1 upgrade to General. It is really great to get this kind of activity in the Ham Radio Community. Be expecting to hear some new call signs in the near future. Please reach out to me if you are the first to contact one of these new Technicians, I would like to see about doing something special for them on that contact. I know a lot of hours of studying went into this and it showed.

73 – Daren – KDØOPS

[pdf-embedder url=”https://wa0sdo.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/SPARK-GENERAL-HAM-102-CLASS.pdf” title=”SPARK GENERAL HAM 102 CLASS”]

Update: Technician class Ham 101

Wow the turnout and enthusiasm was great.  9 student’s total, of which we have two young lady’s attending the class (10&12).  There were several guest to stop by, Don (KF0ARQ), Richard (KE0QYA), Dewayn (KB9TQJ), & Bret (W0VK).  We had some good discussions and great comradery in the class.  Next class will be held on the 25th 8-4.  I would encourage you to come by say hello to the new potential Hams.   There is already discussion of wanting a General class so spread the word.   Well that’s all I have for now.  Really looking forward to getting this group tested and hearing them on the air.

73 Daren – KDØOPS

March Meeting Re-Cap

With 33 in attendance, SPARK is on the move for this spring. Just a few items that we discussed was it was decided to move our Tuesday evening ragchew net to 7:30pm, on the 2meter repeater. We encourage all to try this unique net out. It’s a great place to learn something new or to just chat with friends on the radio. If you know of anyone that might be interested please so them the flyer. The Technician Class will be starting next Saturday on the 11th. Daren has 7 enrolled to date. The flyer for the class is posted on this page and in the newsletter. We will be taking our EmComm trailer and will have a booth at the Boonville Hamfest this upcoming Saturday as well, a flyer is also posted on this page and our newsletter. The Missouri QSO Party will be on April 1st & the 2nd. We will setup after the meeting and will be operatering under our club call sign WA0SDO. The club will provide burgers and hot dogs and hopefully everyone will bring a covered dish. It will be a great time and hopefully we’ll make several contacts. After the meeting we conducted a test session and had a individual who was from Lowery City who was a Novice Class and passed his Technician test. Also a great Fusion class was held.

During the month of April we are having a contest to see if our members can make 10 different contacts on our 2meter repeater. All you need to do is just log who, date, and the time and we will reward those with a club certificate. All you need to do is email Bret (W0VK) hota2@hotmail.com before the April meeting with your contacts made. Sorry nets are not included.

We have plenty of things happening in the next few months and would encourage all to take advantage of what SPARK has to offer.

Sunday Night Net Control Operators:
5th Renda (KB0UVW)
12th Richard (KE0QYA)
19th Paul (KD0ETL)
26th Connie (WA0QCJ)