June Meeting

Our June 6th meeting location is at Our Savior Lutheran Church at 3700 West Broadway at their shelter house. Meeting will start at 8:30am. Plenty of room for social distancing. June Meeting Location

85th Anniversary Net

This Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM join us for a special roundtable net hosted by our club President Bret (W0VK) on our 2 meter repeater.

May Weather Net Exercise

Thanks to the following stations for checking in: W0VK, K0TV, W3MEB, N0EE, KD0OPS, KE0FUD, KDOETL, NO0WZ, KY0P, and KD0WXT.  Thanks from net control KE0QYA. Great work!!

May Club Meeting

Our May 2nd meeting will be conducted over the 2 meter repeater this Saturday morning beginning at 8:30 am. President Bret (W0VK) will be conducting the meeting. Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

Weather Net

Our 1st active weather net had 12 stations activated. Proud of everyone who checked in this afternoon.

Club Stickers

Just got in some more club stickers. The cost is $5.00 per sticker. Contact KE0NIL (Nick) if you would like to purchase any.

Weather Net

Will be Tuesday March 3rd beginning approximately 10:05am after the state wide siren test.