Sparkfest Update
Due to Hurricane Helene the Salvation Army Satern Trailer and Marty will not be at Sparkfest this year. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all that were effected by this catastrophic event.

Sparkfest 2024

Our next meeting will be Saturday October 5th at EMA HQ located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30. This meeting other than our elections is the biggest meeting of the year. Yes it’s Sparkfest time. President Bret will be going over member assignments and the event schedule. Without our members Sparkfest would only be a dream. This year’s event has been sold out for some time and it’s been months in the making. Hope to see all of you there.

August Net Control Operators
4th Don (KF0ARQ)
11th Steve (WA0WUY)
18th Renda (KBOUVW)
25th Richard (KE0QYA)
September 1st:
Connie (WA0QCJ)

Field Day 2024

All, Please join us this Saturday and Sunday, 22 and 23 June, as we take to the air waves for Field Day 2024. Set up will begin at 12:00 noon on Saturday at the EMA (where our meeting are held). Plan to be there the entire 27 hours, with a nap of course. There will be plenty of opportunity to get on the air, learn about amateur radio, and fellowship. I will be bringing a grill, burgers, hot dogs and buns for a evening cookout around 5 or 6. Bring your favorite side dish, chips, or drinks. Bring some to share if you like. If you can’t stay and play radio, at least stop by when you have time.

Balloon and Kite Festival

For you early risers come join us for some ham radio fun this Saturday June 8th at 5:30 am. We will have the opportunity to track the balloons if they fly weather permitting using APRS at the Kite & Balloon Festival. We will meeting on the south side of the west campgrounds at the Missouri State Fair on Clarendon Rd. Doc (W3MEB) will begin with a briefing around 6am on what the organizers would like us to do. Even if you do not have APRS this will be a great way to learn about it and do what we like to do with ham radio (have fun). We will also be running a special net on our 2 meter repeater during the exercise. If they do not fly because of the weather we will still conduct an exercise and explore our capabilities. All members are welcome and encouraged to be there.

Your opportunity to play some HF radio next Saturday April 13th at the KATY Depot. We will be doing a POTA activation at the Caboose. Starts at 9am. Special congrats go out to Stanley P. who after our April meeting passed the Technician test. Lots of things coming up in the next few months so please plan on attending the next meeting on May 4th at the Pettis County EOC located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia beginning at 8:30 am.

Christmas Eve Net

I am going to run a Christmas Eve net at 7:30pm on Sunday night. It will give all of us the opportunity to send Christmas wishes to everyone. Hope to hear from all of you then.

December Net Control Operators

2nd Renda (KBOUVW)
10th Joel (KE0WJX)
17th Russ (K6HU) & Steve (WA0WUY)
24th Christmas Eve **NO NET**
31st New Year’s Eve **NO NET*

On behalf of SPARK wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

December Meeting Date Change

Our December meeting will be on the 9th beginning at 8:30am at the EMA Headquarters located at 1511 N. Ohio in Sedalia. Testing will be available following the meeting.