February Net Control Operators
2nd Lori (KF0IHX)
9th Joel (KE0WJX)
16th Connie (WA0QCJ)
23rd Don (KF0ARQ)
February Repeater Contest
Richard, KE0QYA announced a club repeater challenge for February. Members are to log 10 separate contacts, one allowed per day, not to include contacts made during nets, during the month using the club 2M repeater. Keep your own logs and turn them into Richard. Certificates for those completing the challenge will be awarded. Additionally, those that also check into all of the club nets during the month will earn a gold star on their certificates. The incentive is to generate activity on the repeater so making more than the one loggable contact per day is certainly encouraged.
Net Control Operators for January
5th Lori (KF0IHX)
12th Paul (KD0ETL)
19th Richard (KE0QYA)
26th Renda (KBOUVW)
Merry Christmas from SPARK
Turkey Trot 2024
November/December Net Control Operators thru December 8th
3rd Steve (WA0WUY)
10th Joel (KE0WJX)
17th Paul (KD0ETL)
24th Lori (KF0IHX)
1st Richard (KE0QYA)
8th Joel (KE0WJX)
Our December meeting will be on Saturday the 14th at the EMA Headquarters beginning at 8:30am.
Great Food and Cause
It’s Sparkfest Week
Special Guests
I spoke with Jim(n5rtg) with the Airsteam trailer group at the fairgrounds. They are going to have approximately 100 hams in our area until the 11th(maybe the 12th as well). They will be running a simplex net on 147.575(our frequency) each morning at 7:30am. If you can jump in and say howdy. I inviteded them to check into our Nets( I gave them the frequencies) and of course Sparkfest. They also will be running a special event station on the fairgrounds as well. The call for it is W1A. The fairgrounds will be closed on Saturday October 5. The special event station will be broadcasting on Sunday the 6th from noon till 4pm. Location of the station will be behind the Varied Industries Building around the kids stage. fairgrounds will be open then. Let’s welcome our fellow hams to the State Fair City.