Field Day 2021 – You are invited

You are invited!

Local Amateur Radio operators, guests, even the Amateur Radio wanna-be are invited to the Sedalia SPARK club Field Day event being held this Saturday June 26, 2021. Stop by if you are in the neighborhood.

LOCATION:  Our Savior Lutheran Church, 3700 W. Broadway in Sedalia
DATE: Saturday June 26, 2021
10:00 am                                 – Begin equipment setup
1:00 pm                                    – Begin operating
5:00 pm (or a little after) – Pot Luck Dinner

As of this post, we have 4 stations we will be putting on the air. We will determine our operating class Saturday morning.

For the pot luck, we will have hot dogs and fixings. Plus what ever dishes you might bring to share. I already have a list of a few folks saying they will be bringing something. Surprise dishes are OK, but it would be nice if you let me know what to expect.   The church has a refrigerator if you bring a dish that needs to be kept cold.

Plan to spend Saturday with us.
CU at Field Day
Harry, KØTV

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