Our eldest Klub member, friend and mentor Jim Keck WØFRX became a silent key on Sunday, August 25, 2019 at the age of 98.
In some way, Jim touched nearly all of us over his many years, whether by mentoring, sharing his vast experience or by spending countless hours in QSOs with us.
He will be sadly missed.
His obituary can be found here.
Any Klub member who has a story to share about Jim is invited to add it to the end of this post. Click “edit” to add your memory of Jim.
- Jim lived just a few blocks from my QTH. He, I and another ham in the neighborhood used to engage in hours-long round-tables using HTs on simplex at low power on a regular basis. It was like a neighborhood net between us three. We always had a good, long chat. The day Jim was packing up to move away to Illinois, I talked to him on-air and mentioned that I would miss the weekly chat. He told me that it might happen again someday, and it eventually did, a few years later, once or twice after he came back. Special moments for sure.
Chris – KC0TKS
- Jim lived just a few blocks from my QTH. He, I and another ham in the neighborhood used to engage in hours-long round-tables using HTs on simplex at low power on a regular basis. It was like a neighborhood net between us three. We always had a good, long chat. The day Jim was packing up to move away to Illinois, I talked to him on-air and mentioned that I would miss the weekly chat. He told me that it might happen again someday, and it eventually did, a few years later, once or twice after he came back. Special moments for sure.