No not the Ghostbusters. You call upon the fellow members of S.P.A.R.K. The other day, John, NØEE and Bret, KDØUSK stopped by to help me put up an antenna so I could finally get a base station on the air.
In the past, I can remember being on the other side, climbing, lifting, and pulling cables. It was a rewarding feeling helping out. It never occurred to me that some day I would be on the receiving side. The assistance from Bret and John is certainly appreciated. Thank-You!
If anyone else needs help on a project. Programming that new radio. Installing or operating that new software. Upgrading a license. Installing an antenna. Or, just getting on the air. All you have to do is say something and someone from SPARK will step up. The expertise and talent is pretty broad in the group. Someone will be able to help you out.
Thanks again for the help.