September POTA
Saturday September 23rd the place to be at is the Rock Island Trail in Windsor. Spark is going to activate the Trail beginning at 8am. Last report is that we should have 5 working stations. Plenty of opportunities to work HF and fellowship with club members. I also heard that Lori (KF0IHX) is going to be hard at work making goodies to eat. Hopefully the weather and bands will cooperate and we will have a great time. We will be meeting at the Caboose by the shelter house. Just north of the 4way stop next to Casey’s. We should wrap up by noon. Hope to see everyone there.
Sparkfest 2023
September Net Control Operators
September Net Control Operators
10th Richard (KE0QYA)
17th Joel (KE0WJX)
24th Don (KF0ARQ)
Oct. 1st Connie (WA0QCJ)
Weather Net Exercise
The Sedalia Pettis County EMA has scheduled a outdoor siren test on Wednesday September 6th at 12pm. At approximately 12:10pm we will conduct a Severe Weather Net Exercise on our 2m repeater. All listening stations are encouraged to check in.
August 2023 Meeting Re-Cap
August Meeting Re-Cap
WOW With 29 members in attendance President Bret (W0VK) started off the meeting with introductions and the pledge. During the report from our EmComm trailer committee 3 huge donations were made to our club.
1st Harry (K0TV) donated 2 brand new DuraMax XP2300 generators. What a way to start the meeting.
2nd A anonymous donation was excepted by the club of a little used Icom 7300 HF radio. The person who made the donation wishes to remain anonymous and all we at SPARK can say is many thanks to you.
3rd Bret (W0VK) made a donation of a brand new antenna tuner for the 7300.
We indeed as a club have been blessed by our members generosity and support, not to mention other things that have been donated (7300) over the past several years including the radio today.
Recaps were given about the POTA event at Knob Noster and the Warrensburg Hamfest. We had 30 members who attended the hamfest, what a tremendous showing by our membership.
Under new business our next POTA event will be held in Windsor at the Rock Island Trail (next to Casey’s) on September 16th. More information on this will be discussed at our September meeting. Last but not least it’s Sparkfest time. October 14th is indeed getting closer. We are in great shape with our table sales again this year. Looks like we will have another great event.
We are extremely excited to announce that we are going to have 2 new ham radio clubs in our area. Marshall and Tri-Lakes in Warsaw. We at SPARK are excited about these new clubs forming, giving ham radio operators in those areas the opportunity to not only fellowship with others but to provide valuable guidance and support to hams in their areas.
Our net regular meeting will be held on Saturday September 9th due to the Labor Day holiday.
August Net Control Operators
6th Richard (KE0QYA)
13th Russ (K6HU)
20th Joel (KE0WJX)
27th Don (KF0ARQ)
September 3rd Renda (KB0UVW)
note: Our September meeting date has been changed to the 9th because of Labor Day holiday weekend.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
(With Brownies for dessert)
The winning entry for the August SPARKword puzzle was submitted by Mark, NØOWZ. Congratulations, Mark!!
Mark will receive a pan of Connie’s brownies (but has to provide his own chicken dinner!).
Puzzle solution and Mark’s submission can be found here.