Our friend Steve DeMoss, WAØWUY had a birthday today.
Best wishes for many more.
Updates on Broadcastify Feed
Testing now the addition of the 53.11 (6 meter) and 462.600 (GMRS) repeaters to our Broacastify stream. Please report any issues or comments.
This addition puts 4 repeaters onto our stream, 147.03, 224.44, 53.11 and 462.600.
Also, a new GMRS repeater page has been posted to the website.
Broadcastify Down
I took a direct lightning strike at ~3:30 this AM and my Internet is no more. Therefore, the Broadcastify streamer is down for this evening’s net and probably won’t be back up until sometime Tuesday.
All else seems to have survived damage, except maybe for some stains on the sheets and claw marks on the ceiling! Direct strikes are very scary to say the least. The flash that leaves spots in your eyes through closed eyelids and the boom that happens at the same instant are unforgettable.
Anyway, the Broadcastify stream will be back up as soon as possible.
Chris – KC0TKS
Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act of 2024
Happy New Year from SPARK!
Season’s Greetings From SPARK!
Connie’s Horace Mann 3rd grade Ham Net
Today, Connie introduced the 3rd graders at Horace Mann Elementary to Amateur Radio. Good job Connie and everyone that participated!
Link to the audio in case the parents would like to listen.
Ho Hummmm
I just got done listening to last nights’ net and heard the discussions about the mysterious hum.
Jeff’s 220 net linked to Republic repeater via Echolink
Unprocessed audio from Jeff’s 220 net on 10/25/2023 at the request of W0VK.
Clips overlap each other by several seconds.
Click “Continue reading” for files.
Continue reading “Jeff’s 220 net linked to Republic repeater via Echolink”